Today on Make-Believe Mondays, my guest is Melissa Lopez.
Melissa, first, tell us a little bit about the manuscript you’re working on now.
Melissa: Right now, I’m under deadline to Loose Id. The story is called Gamer Love. It’s a hot, modern story centered on role-play.
Debra: Now that is intriguing. There are so many different role-playing games on the market now.
Is there a point when your characters begin to come alive and you can see and hear them?
Melissa: Oh yeah, as soon as they spark to life. They’re real to me. Some are louder than others, but from the moment I first hear them they exist for me.
Debra: As a child did any particular book or author pull you into their imaginary world?
Melissa: Actually, no. Not as a child. Instead of being read children’s books I was raised listening to things like Sammy Terry. And horror films of the times.
Debra: Fascinating. Kind of the opposite of not allowing children to watch horror films. Who better to write horror stories then?
If there were no categories for books, no reader expectations to meet, and you could create the wildest work of imagination that you could think of what kind of story would that be?
Melissa: I believe I’d still be writing what I do now. Besides contemporary romance I write dark edgy paranormal romance. So I’d still weave my Netherworld full of horror, fantasy, and paranormal elements.
Debra: Melissa, thank you for joining us here on this Make-believe Monday to share a little bit of the magic of writing with our readers.
Melissa: Thanks so much for having me Debra. I enjoyed visiting.
Debra: It's been my pleasure.
Please visit Melissa Lopez at
JOURNEYS OF LOVE every woman needs to take.
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On Friday I received my very first review and I was ecstatic! (Another milestone to celebrate and one worthy of breaking out the champagne again.) It is such a wonderful review I decided to share it here. Future reviews will be posted on my website.
A Desperate Journey
Debra Parmley
Historical romance
Available from Samhain Publishing
ISBN: 1605040746
July 2008
Through dangerous days and nights, Sally Wheeler and Rob Truman would learn that life is full of unexpected trials and horrors. But sometimes fate lends a helping hand so that we could continue onward with a little bit of happiness mixed in. Having her bigamist husband steal her son, Sally joined up with Rob Truman who was bent on revenge against the man who had caused him to spend time in prison. Along the way to find her son, they found themselves dodging bullets and trying to stay alive against their enemies.
As she struggles to keep her tears at bay over the loss of her home, Sally Wheeler felt as if the world was on her shoulders. With her loser husband gone with her son, she tried to be strong for her daughter, Carolyn. Finding the strength to go on was so hard that she wondered just how much more she could take. Missing her son Mathew, with the ache only a mom could have at the disappearance of a child, almost brought Sally to her knees.
With a very heavy heart, she set out to find her son resolving that nothing would keep her from her mission. Meeting Rob Truman, Sally immediately knew that trouble was brewing, along of course, with the instant attraction between them. Rob Truman, had nothing but burning vengeance in his heart for the man who had taken over five years of his life away. Meeting Sally Wheeler was bringing him closer to finally accomplishing his one goal. Only problem was, that the instant attraction that flared between them kept getting in the way. Determined to ignore it, both Sally Wheeler and Rob Truman forgot that sometimes fate plays a hand and it was up to each of us what we do with that hand.
A desperate journey is a well-written, historical romance set in the middle of the nineteenth century when cowboys ruled this land. I felt Sally’s pain and anguish at the lost of her son Mathew and cheered her on when she wouldn't let anything stop her from finding her him, no matter what others said or thought. Rob, was a man with a lot of hurt and anger deep inside. After what Sally had endured at the hands of her husband, these two souls deserve some happiness. And I’m glad to say, that this story has a happy ending.
Overall rating:
Sensuality rating: Mildly sensual
Reviewer: Margo Arthur
July 30, 2008
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