Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Make-Believe Mondays Announcement

Today on Make-Believe Mondays, we're taking a break from our regular schedule so I can make this announcement.

My first novel, Desperate Journey, the American Title II manuscript, just sold to Samhain Publishing and I am thrilled!

One of my friends once asked if I had answered the Make-Believe Monday interview questions for my own interview for the day when I sold my first book. I hadn't thought of that, or of who I might get to interview me. :) I'll schedule my interview for the week the book first comes out, but since I don't have a publishing date yet, I don't know when that will be. I'll keep you posted. ;)

1 comment:

Melissa Mayhue said...

Debra ~ Congratulations on the sale! That's wonderful news and I'm thrilled for you. I'm looking forward to reading YOUR interview!!

Melissa Mayhue